Brandon Toner

Using Custom Kroll Comment Topics to Support Non-Dispensing Services


"Comments" are a powerful tool in Kroll.

Most pharmacy teams use comments to make notes on patient files, drug files, doctor files, prescription files, etc. Where they become very powerful, though, is when you start to create custom comment topics, use those to document different types of information, and then generate reports to find instances of that note topic across your database.

A few useful note topics:

Any custom comment topics must be added into Kroll's "Lists". There is a master topics list in there... I forget the specific name.

Once they are built in, they should auto-complete based on typing the first few characters, and should be available for reporting.

Why this matters makes more sense with an example...

E.g. The "Update Needed" Comment Topic (one of my favourites)

Often, while dispensing, you may notice that a particular piece of information is missing, outdated, or would benefit from verification — but most frequently "now is not the best time to do that". So we ignore it... until later...

With this comment topic, you can note the update that is needed "update phone number", "allergies?", "indication for nortriptyline", etc.

You can also place a "Workflow Alert" on the comment so that it flags at the appropriate context (e.g. during "pickup" or "clinical verification").

And periodically, a team member could run the "Update Needed" comment report, and proactively call patients to batch-clarify the missing information.

By creating good habits around using, resolving, and reporting on these information gaps you will be able to improve and maintain the quality of information throughout your pharmacy database.

... which is an important component of effectively identifying potential drug therapy problems and service opportunities.

There are some significant possibilities here.

Important elements:

See also:

Future Writing

© 2023 Brandon Toner